Friday, 11 October 2013

Kiss me more before you go.....

 Hello springtime! Spring, a season that doesn't seem to exist in this part of the world but still really I believe it's the best time of the year for fashion. My theory is that during the transitional seasons such as autumn and spring, fashion all around the world is more or less similar. According to the weather in these seasons some days its hot and other days its cold, thus for 6 months in the year the fashion of the world corresponds. Although winter remains my favorite season, in terms of fashion spring allows diversity.
The rules I live by for spring/summer fashion this year is remembering to keep it simple when living outside the box.

Spring party was the theme of my 3rd closet exchange. The 18 ladies in attendance had a lovely afternoon eating cupcakes, drinking cocktails and socializing while getting some awesome pieces of clothing in the processes. Here are some of the stuff that were available.

The skirt and the shoes featured

this is a white knit throw over which I wore backwards and these shoes were available

The top and skirt were both available

 These brogues have never been worn
More pictures from the closet exchange

and too the coolest lady I've seen......

With love,             